Monday, October 22, 2007

refrescos sin limites!

So I spent this weekend in Sevilla and had a lot of fun!

The highlights:

Wednesday: We went out at ended up at a nice club that was packed with Americans and played half top 40 hits and half strange Spanish techno.

Thursday: We went to see El Orfanato, the movie Spain is submitting for Oscar consideration. It was very well done but I don't know why I always end up getting talked into seeing scary movies! I really don't enjoy them and I end up paying to sit for two hours with my hands over my eyes. I'm also a little confused about its selection; it was a good movie but horror films rarely win Academy Awards and this story isn't particularly original. Whatever.

Friday: We went out to eat at a yummy Spanish restaurant, hung out by the river for a while (so pretty!) and then made our way to a club. We got there at about 2:45am and it was almost completely empty. I was sleepy and ready to leave by about 3:15 and then all of a sudden it filled up, I got a second wind and the rest of the night (morning) ended up being a lot of fun. I still think Spanish people are crazy with their schedules.

Saturday: This is kind of sad, but I had not had a real cheeseburger since before I left for Spain and it was really getting to me. Luckily, a group of kids planned a trip to a hilariously tacky "American" restaurant in the bus station mall. It's called Foster's Hollywood and honestly if I had eaten there in the United States it would have been mediocre or worse and overpriced. But since it's the first American food I've had in over 6 weeks it was incredible. AND THEY HAD FREE REFILLS. Besides all of you, soda fountains are one of the things I miss most about the US. Here you pay 2 euro for a 8oz bottle of diet coke because nobody has it on tap! I think I drank more diet coke than I even wanted to at dinner just because I could. Kinda sad, I know...but seriously, 6 weeks without unlimited diet cokes and a cheeseburger? That's pretty good for me! After that we went to the movies and split off into a few different groups. I saw Flawless, or "Un Plan Brillante" as it's called here, with Demi Moore and Michael Caine. It's about a heist from the London Diamond Corporation in the 1960s. It was cute, nothing incredibly special, but entertaining. Should be out in the states in a few weeks. (Weird that it came out here first, we usually get movies in English way late.)

Sunday: No highlights. I did absolutely nothing.

It was nice to have a completely stress-free week/weekend and not worry about packing or making a flight or bus, but now my batteries are recharged and I'm excited to start traveling again.

That's all for now, I'll find some fun pictures later.

Hasta luego!

1 comment:

It's Me said...

Hi Amy! Your travels and experiences sound just wonderful. Lucky you! Paris, Dublin, Seville, .... more to come. Amazing. I love reading your blog and feel like I'm getting a glimpse inside of Spain. Love and see you soon!